Fabrikant van afvalcontainer voor bouw-en sloopafval                   Fabricant de bennes pour le marche francophone           +48 799 096 720   biuro@torkonstal.pl

Produkujemy konstrukcje stalowe, zbiorniki, kontenery, muldy, pojemniki każdego typu i rodzaju według norm europejskich zgodnie z projektem własnym lub zleceniodawcy.

We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO) and skip containers. All sizes and types.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On/Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland

Wij zijn een Pools bedrijf dat containers en bakken produceert voor afval, puin, schroot en ander afval en goederen.

We produceren onder andere:

  • Rolcontainers volgens DIN 30722,
  • Rolcontainers volgens de SS 3021 norm,
  • Rolcontainers volgens de norm NFR 17-108,
  • Haakcontainers type KP 2.2 - KP 40,
  • Symmetrische open en gesloten containers volgens DIN 30720,
  • Asymmetrische containers - in overeenstemming met DIN 30720-1,
  • Containers volgens individuele eisen en klantprojecten,
  • Kleuren te kiezen uit het RAL-kleurenpalet.

Al dertig jaar verkopen wij onze containers aan vele landen in West- en Midden-Europa. Ons bedrijf is gevestigd in het zuiden van Polen nabij de grens met Tsjechië aan de voet van het Sudetengebergte. Onze containers staan ​​bekend om hun hoogwaardige afwerking en het gebruik van de hoogste kwaliteit staal. Als u geïnteresseerd bent in containers, schrijf ons dan een aanvraag en leg uw verwachtingen voor.

Bouw en sloopafval container (gesloten)

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